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BlogInternational clinical trials day

You Are All Remarkable: Celebrating Clinical Trials Day 2022

By May 19, 2022February 16th, 2023No Comments

For centuries, clinical trials have been fundamental to the development of new medical treatments. In recognition of the progress made by remarkable health care practitioners, researchers, nurses, scientists and – of course – patients, Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world on 20th May.

This is an important date in the clinical research world, as it recognises the day that Scottish doctor and naval hygiene pioneer James Lind began what is widely considered to be the first randomised clinical trial aboard a ship on 20th May 1747. Whilst on a voyage, it was noted that many of the crew were getting ill with scurvy. Lind decided to treat some of the sailors with citrus fruits to see if this had an impact on their physical health. Remarkably, he discovered that the sailors eating the citrus fruits were recovering much faster than those not eating the fruit.

Since this moment, clinical trials have continued to evolve. And at mdgroup, we are proud to be pioneering new approaches, innovations, and technologies that lead to better patient experiences and better study outcomes.

Today, we want to take the time to acknowledge everyone who makes a vital contribution to clinical trials, including our remarkable mdfamily who have continued to work tirelessly in pursuit of our mission to facilitate remarkable patient experiences at every stage of the clinical journey in the face of two of the most difficult years our industry has seen.

LaQuinta Jernigan, Executive Vice President, The Americas

“Thank you for your commitment to advancing science, making research accessible and providing hope to countless individuals who are suffering from disease. Your actions and dedication set us up for a future where treatments, therapies and vaccinations eliminate suffering and pain for millions of people. Clinical research not only helps us find answers for tomorrow, but it also unites us all on a global scale with a common goal.”

Sandra Webb, Head of Clinical Management

“Thank you to all of the amazing people that come together to support clinical trials, through diverse thinking and innovation, and working with participants in their communities. Our future is brighter and people have hope because of the work that you all do. That is truly remarkable.”

Dr Art Lazarus, Medical Director

“There are very few undertakings more noble than conducting and participating in clinical trials. My hat goes off to clinical investigators and their staff for diligently screening and recruiting patients, and providing the skilled care necessary to bring the trial to fruition. Patients and families living with medical uncertainty sometimes risk their health for potential new treatments, and advances in medicine purposed to benefit themselves and countless other individuals. Bravo to all!”

Pam Seggie, Director of Navigator

“Thank you for your dedication and commitment to supporting clinical trials. The world would be an unimaginable place without your research and expertise helping individuals suffering from disease. The difference you make to patients’ lives is enormous. The development of new treatments makes a world of difference across the globe, and provides hope for the future for everyone.”

Caroline Jackson, Executive Vice President, Patient Services

“On Clinical Trials Day, I would like to give a big shout out to all of my industry colleagues past and present for their dedication and tireless efforts in working on new treatments to ease suffering and improve the lives of patients around the world. But of course, none of the research would be possible without the commitment and bravery of our trial participants and their families, who give their time to support medical advancement. For this, we are so very grateful. Working together, with the same goal, ensures more patients will be able to get the treatment that they so desperately need, and you should all be very proud of what you do to support this.”


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