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Seacole Health branches out beyond mobilehealth in drive remarkable health services to more patients

By May 16, 2022February 16th, 2023No Comments

An mdgroup company, SeacoleHealth has been launched as a standalone service to help even more healthcare and research professionals make a difference on their own terms.

SeacoleHealth was launched in 2021 as a staffing agency for healthcare and research professionals looking to utilise their skills in mobile health nursing. Their teams have extensive experience in healthcare and know the impact many in the industry are facing, particularly when it comes to work-life balance and coming back to work after time out.

SeacoleHealth currently provides flexible opportunities for a range of skilled healthcare workers such as phlebotomists, research coordinators and doctors to gain access to exciting opportunities in clinical research.

As a standalone service, Seacole will continue to offer these roles, but will also provide a pure staffing agency function for clients like hospitals,CROs, and labs who are looking for top-quality staff.

Stephanie Katz, Director of SeacoleHealth, explains the benefits of being a standalone service for patients and healthcare workers:

“Being a standalone service gives us more flexibility to diversify mdgroup’s service offerings, so we get to think more broadly about what it means to serve these studies and how to use our human power to help people”.

The new service offering will include more opportunities beyond mobilehealth, such as on-site Research Coordinator roles, and Phlebotomist staffing. Adding a further string to its bow, SeacoleHealth has also launched a companion service as a new method for preventing dropouts in clinical trials. The intent here is to provide respite care for carers, making them much more likely to support, and keep their loved one engaged in, the clinical trial.

SeacoleHealth’s unique point of difference lies in its human approach to caregiving, Stephanie explains:

“A lot of the healthcare industry focuses on ways to serve clients using technology, either to keep patients out of hospitals or to make people’s clinical trials experience better. At SeacoleHealth we complement those efforts with our mission-driven workforce. Whether it’s finding staff for an under-resourced hospital to do clinical trials work, or training a team of highly compassionate healthcare professionals to do mobile health, we go above and beyond. We are the human power that makes clinical trials more remarkable for patients.”

Looking ahead to the future, SeacoleHealth plans to take over a greater percentage of in-home nursing visits in the US (which already stands at 20%) and ramp up its new service offerings to add its human touch to even more areas of patient care.

To find out more about SeacoleHealth and to see how we put the best agency healthcare and research professionals at the heart of the clinical studies process, click here to visit the website and see our available job opportunities.

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