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Where Safer Events Meet: Virtual Meetings and Face-to-Face Meetings with Social Distancing

By September 30, 2020February 16th, 2023No Comments
man attending virtual meeting

The outbreak of COVID-19 caused most businesses to change how they operate, with travel restrictions and remote work arrangements becoming commonplace around the world.

Many in-person meetings and events have been cancelled or postponed, giving rise to understandable concerns of a negative impact on industries that rely on people coming together to share ideas and key information. This is particularly true of the clinical research industry, where investigator meetings are key to the success of clinical trials.

Thankfully, with the use of digital technology, it has never been easier to communicate and engage with groups of all sizes around the world. Virtual meetings have come into focus more than ever before.

As restrictions and bans on group gatherings are lifted, it is expected that care will still need to be taken to observe social distancing for some time to come. Meeting organisers are preparing to facilitate meetings that are effective while upholding social distancing rules and helping to keep delegates safe.

In this article, we explore the key considerations for successful virtual meetings and preparing for face-to-face meetings with social distancing.

Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings connect remote presenters and attendees online through their electronic device via a web-hosted platform. They allow people to share information and data in real-time, without being physically located together.

Use of technological features such as HD video and audio streaming, screen sharing and delegate collaboration make virtual meetings a viable alternative when it’s not possible to hold an in-person event.

Attendees can be connected across offices, events, internally and externally, from anywhere in the world, taking your meetings much further.

Read more about how mdgroup can help you to get more out of virtual meetings and see a case study of how our event services team took a client’s clinical trial investigator meeting online.

Preparing for Face-to-Face Meetings with Social Distancing

When it’s possible and safer to host in-person meetings, the primary concern will be delegate safety and how to help ensure that while running an effective meeting.

There are multiple considerations that need to be taken, including:

  • Revised layout of the meeting space to accommodate social distancing
  • Reduction or elimination of physical materials using Audience Engagement tools and devices
  • Changing the way that the presenters/panel are able to fully engage and interact with the audience, enabling the removal of microphones from the meeting space
  • Different catering, seating and service arrangements for breaks, lunches and dinners
  • Changing transportation from group to individual
  • Ensuring maximum hygiene throughout the event
  • Running a hybrid in-person and virtual event to allow maximum attendance

Read about how mdgroup is prepared to support face-to-face meetings while helping to ensure delegate safety

To learn more about mdgroup’s event services and discuss your meeting requirements, please contact us at [email protected].

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