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Meet the mdgroup Event Services Team: Emily Raynes, Digital Manager

By September 30, 2020February 16th, 2023No Comments
Meet the Team - Emily Raynes

Every successful project needs a strong foundation, and clinical trials are no exception. To ensure they get off to an exceptional start with everyone heading in the right direction, mdgroup organises and manages investigator meetings and site training to ensure all clinical staff are properly trained in the protocol, as part of our services that support the clinical trial journey from start to finish.

Typically such events have been held in locations around the globe, but of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has put an indefinite hold on meeting in large groups in person.

To provide continuity for our clients’ trials, we’ve provided online meeting capabilities, learning quickly about the most effective ways to engage in a virtual environment using the latest technologies.

Until it’s safe to get back together with our teams and clients, our Events Services Team are continuing to evolve and adapt to this “new normal”. So, we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to them in a series of mini-interviews.

Today it’s the turn of a new team member, Emily Raynes. Emily joined mdgroup in August as Digital Manager. Emily started her events career as a Delegate Manager for an events company in Surrey, England, before moving to BCD Meetings and Events, a global events organiser, and also worked as an embedded resource at CISCO in their event technology team. In her spare time, Emily likes to attend Cross Fit classes.

We asked Emily about her favourite places to work at events and her experience during the lockdown in the UK.

Hi Emily, firstly we’d love to know – what’s your favourite city to meet for an event and why?

Stockholm, not only because it is one of the most picturesque cities I have ever been to, but also because of the warm hospitality and incredible organisation skills that the Swedes seem to possess!

What’s your favourite events venue to have worked in, and why?

The Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps. You woke up every morning to glorious mountain views. It was like being on a film set for The Sound of Music – I have yet to find a view that beats it!

What’s a new skill you’ve learnt during lockdown?

During lockdown I had the time to revamp the garden, so I learnt how to take down a tree (I had a bit of help here!) and started planting my own potatoes.

Looking for more support with investigator meetings and site training?

We can’t wait to see you all again at events soon! In the meantime, we’ve published this helpful guide on how to run effective virtual meetings, as well as preparing for meeting again in-person with the required social distancing and hygiene measures.

Can we help you run your next virtual or in-person event?

Get in touch by emailing

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