Providing Dedicated mobilehealth Services to Ensure Optimum Trial Participation
Demonstrating the importance of communication between stakeholders to improve patient-centric care
The Challenge
Our client, a leading research company dedicated to helping biotech, speciality pharma, and device innovators transform ideas and breakthrough science into new medical treatments, had developed a trial therapy for Vitiligo.
The client asked us to complete mobile health visits at both scheduled and unscheduled time points where lab values were out of range and needed to be redrawn.
Vitiligo is a long-term dermatological condition. It is a common disorder that affects about 0.5-1% of the worldwide population. Although the disease itself is not disabling for patients, the challenge was to demonstrate to sites that offering a more convenient mobile visit would result in greater trial participation.
Although physically able to travel to study sites, patients were finding it an inconvenience to take time off work or away from family life. Initially, even patients who received a mobile health visit felt the time taken to conduct each appointment was too long and the sites themselves were reluctant to engage with us.
The Solution
Working closely with the research sites, we worked to build a better relationship between stakeholders, and to show we were there to work together to deliver the best possible patient experience.
Our site Engagement Manager played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between sites, HCPs and patients, ensuring that any feedback received was escalated to the client appropriately. With more open communication, we were able to demonstrate that we were a trusted, committed partner.
After engaging with sites, we saw an increase in referral rates for mobilehealth. This was aided by regular tips and reminders about the Site Referral Form to ensure that mobile health options stayed top of mind.
Despite conducting seven or more visits a week, our teams worked hard to ensure the mobilehealth practitioner had the right supplies and schedule availability to fit around the needs of their patients. We were even able to offer patients out-of-hours and weekend visit options, which were not previously available.
The Outcome
Following our partnership with the client, 282 mobilehealth research visits were successfully performed over the course of 12 months.
The client was delighted with the quality of service received and has requested our services again for their next phase two vitiligo study.
Furthermore, both the healthcare professionals and patients we worked with over the course of the trial noted their appreciation. Healthcare professionals told us they loved working on this study, and patients enjoyed the flexible, professional service they received from the mobilehealth teams.
Want to find out more about our patient retention services?
We’re on a mission to truly put patients first in clinical research. Through our personalised patient-focused services and digital technologies, we support patients at each stage of the clinical journey.
Our approach to patient health drastically reduces patient drop-out rates and prevents disruption to your clinical trial, getting products to market faster.