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Bringing Physical Events & Meetings Online During COVID-19 (and Beyond)

Investigator meetings and other events are turning virtual as a result of physical distancing measures.

Could this now be the future of events, and are you prepared? Here’s how we can support you.

As a result of the physical distancing measures put in place to safeguard societies against the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve seen a huge surge in demand from our clients for demonstrations of our virtual event solutions.

At mdgroup, we pride ourselves on being agile and responsive to our clients and the industry’s changing needs. And responding to the current global health crisis is no exception.

Following the immediate cancellation of many events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our clients find themselves needing to get urgent messages across and share important information with stakeholders, as face-to-face meetings are cancelled. And as a trusted provider of these physical services, they’ve been contacting us to ask about our virtual meeting solutions.

Understanding your unique challenges

We’ve spoken to a significant number of clients who are in this situation to find out their immediate needs, understand their biggest challenges and concerns, and work out how we can best support them.

The key challenges clients are facing with regards to events and meetings are:

  • Finding a platform that meets the same requirements as a physical event
  • Getting the word out to stakeholders and ensuring 100% attendance
  • Overcoming technological barriers by finding intuitive, user-friendly solutions
  • Being able to engage with delegates in different time zones around the world
  • Being able to translate speakers and supporting materials into multiple languages
  • Effectively and efficiently managing the delegate registration process
  • Mitigating the impact of internet connectivity issues as delegates engage from home
  • Ensuring attendance is tracked and followed up accurately and efficiently
  • Generating and responding to audience engagement during the virtual event
  • Providing post-event engagement and follow up

Finding the right solution for you

As soon as our clients’ most common and shared needs became apparent, we spoke to our AV partner and asked them to put together a demonstration of a standard virtual platform.

We then introduced them to our tech partner so they could collaborate and find a way to offer our clients a variety of options, which included facilitating audience engagement at varying levels during virtual meetings.

By facilitating this collaboration between two of our preferred partners, our clients have been surprised and delighted by the level of audience engagement that is possible during their virtual events.

What’s more, the solution we’re offering can continue to run for a set duration of time after the initial virtual event has ended, keeping the audience actively engaged after the meeting has taken place.

Additionally, should the client run the face-to-face meeting later in the year, the tech can be used as an ongoing solution.

We’ve now hosted several demonstrations of the virtual platform and its integrations to clients who have inquired into our virtual meetings and audience engagement solutions, and every time our clients have been impressed.

Working together to meet your virtual meeting goals

Clients are now asking us to open up our virtual meeting management services to a wider audience, including ideas of how the platform can be used to facilitate internal as well as external meetings.

This enables events such as investigator meetings to take place as planned and avoid costly delays to clinical studies. It also enables our clients’ day-to-day business to operate more smoothly and efficiently during this unprecedented time.

Above all, we’re here to support our clients to manage events and investigator meetings through a variety of virtual solutions, which can help them maintain a level of normalcy, supporting business continuity and productivity through this trying time.

Are you ready to book your demonstration and find out how we can support you to take your events and meetings online? Get in touch.

Want to find out more about our events services?

We can support you with organising both physical and virtual meetings.

mdgroup manages a wide variety of pharmaceutical events and investigator meetings across the globe, focusing on each stage of the clinical journey.

We work with a strong network of suppliers, providing a local service with a global reach. With 30+ years of experience in designing, building and executing meetings and events, we pride ourselves on our flexible, highly adaptable approach.

97% of our clients return to use our services again.


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